13 Mar 2025


Apollo Apollo P1200 Printer Driver

Company: Apollo
Model: Apollo P1200
Operating System: Windows 98 (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: D.zip


Apollo Apollo P1200 Driver. this is the full installation cd all nicely zipped up for you. unzip it to your hard drive and run it or point your printer installation wizard to it. i hope it works for you. by the way, the printer is not very good(but it WAS very cheap!)
File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 79331 10-30-98 01:00 AP1200.HL_ 86508 10-30-98 01:00 AP1200FR.HL_ 83186 10-30-98 01:00 AP1200GM.HL_ 82930 10-30-98 01:00 AP1200IT.HL_ 83144 10-30-98 01:00 AP1200ND.HL_ 83131 10-30-98 01:00 AP1200SP.HL_ 75949 10-30-98 01:00 AP1200UK.HL_ 79331 10-30-98 01:00 AP1200US.HL_ 48153 10-30-98 01:00 APCTRL.DL_ 40215 10-30-98 01:00 APDSPLR3.EX_ 37309 10-30-98 01:00 APHT16.DL_ 26654 10-30-98 01:00 APIMAGE.BM_ 33568 10-30-98 01:00 APJNLLB3.DL_ 4858 10-30-98 01:00 APLANG.EX_ 116016 10-30-98 01:00 APOLLO.drv 39055 10-30-98 01:00 APOLLOFR.DL_ 39169 10-30-98 01:00 APOLLOGM.DL_ 38859 10-30-98 01:00 APOLLOIT.DL_ 38382 10-30-98 01:00 APOLLOLN.DL_ 38683 10-30-98 01:00 APOLLOND.DL_ 38917 10-30-98 01:00 APOLLOSP.DL_ 38437 10-30-98 01:00 APOLLOUK.DL_ 38310 10-30-98 01:00 APOLLOUS.DL_ 53967 10-30-98 01:00 APPRSHT.DL_ 127766 10-30-98 01:00 APRASTR3.DL_ 55871 10-30-98 01:00 APRSC3.DL_ 56763 10-30-98 01:00 APRSC3FR.DL_ 56582 10-30-98 01:00 APRSC3GM.DL_ 56127 10-30-98 01:00 APRSC3IT.DL_ 56274 10-30-98 01:00 APRSC3ND.DL_ 56377 10-30-98 01:00 APRSC3SP.DL_ 55842 10-30-98 01:00 APRSC3UK.DL_ 55796 10-30-98 01:00 APRSC3US.DL_ 25484 10-30-98 01:00 APSPMGR3.EX_ 1284 10-30-98 01:00 OEMSETUP.INF 3905 10-30-98 01:00 PMAGIC.INF 0 12-29-98 16:20 win95/ 34064 10-30-98 01:00 win95/APHT32.DL_ 6818 10-30-98 01:00 win95/APLANGMN.DL_ 63407 10-30-98 01:00 win95/APOLLO.DR_ 36417 10-30-98 01:00 win95/APPPRINT.DL_ 21472 10-30-98 01:00 win95/APSHELLE.DL_ 16447 10-30-98 01:00 win95/APSTATMN.EX_ 9040 10-30-98 01:00 win95/APTHNK16.DL_ 8036 10-30-98 01:00 win95/APTHNK32.DL_ -------- ------- 2127834 45 files

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