14 Mar 2025


NewGen Systems All Printer Driver

Company: NewGen Systems
Model: All
Operating System: Windows 95 & Windows 98 (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: win95all.exe


NewGen Systems All Driver. I downloaded to my hard drive, installed it and then went to my printer folder. Install new printer and tell it you have disk. When it asks for disk, direct it to the file you downloaded.
File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 421983 02-10-97 11:47 WIN95DRV.EXE 31546 05-30-95 10:55 PDF.EXE 217644 05-30-95 10:55 PPD4.EXE 2640 07-11-95 09:50 TESTPS.TXT 13921 11-12-95 07:46 CHROMAXP.SPD 22728 10-06-96 16:23 DUO12.SPD 21510 03-13-96 12:40 IP12.SPD 17721 03-13-96 12:33 IP6.SPD 22618 10-06-96 15:45 DUO6.SPD 22739 11-12-95 07:23 DX12.SPD 18116 11-12-95 07:29 DX6.SPD 95719 07-11-95 09:50 FONTS.MFM 77712 07-11-95 09:50 ICONLIB.DLL 25813 11-12-95 07:25 IP12XF.SPD 25788 11-12-95 07:28 IP18XF.SPD 16408 11-12-95 07:33 IP72E.SPD 16361 11-12-95 07:34 IP72G.SPD 16388 11-12-95 07:43 IP94E.SPD 16414 11-12-95 07:45 IP94G.SPD 7159 02-10-97 11:21 OEMSETUP.INF 393200 07-11-95 09:50 PSCRIPT.DRV 20439 07-11-95 09:50 PSCRIPT.HLP 328 07-11-95 09:50 PSCRIPT.INI 28672 07-11-95 09:50 PSMON.DLL 11830 11-12-95 07:21 CHROMAX.SPD 755 11-13-96 14:52 READ.ME 17760 03-13-96 12:39 IP6L.SPD 21964 11-12-95 06:42 1200B.SPD 19951 11-12-95 06:43 1200T.SPD 22069 11-12-95 06:44 1212B.SPD 15619 11-12-95 07:12 600T.SPD 16364 11-12-95 07:13 630.SPD 16376 11-12-95 07:14 630EN.SPD 16936 11-12-95 07:14 660.SPD 21325 11-12-95 07:15 660B.SPD 17143 11-12-95 07:16 660P.SPD 17169 11-12-95 07:16 840.SPD 17773 11-12-95 07:17 840E.SPD 18423 11-12-95 07:18 880.SPD 17383 11-12-95 07:18 880B.SPD 18921 11-12-95 07:19 880P.SPD 14749 11-12-95 07:06 400P.SPD 15411 11-12-95 07:07 440B.SPD 17158 11-12-95 07:08 440N.SPD 16982 11-12-95 07:10 440ND.SPD 14749 11-12-95 07:11 440P.SPD 14049 11-12-95 06:48 300P.SPD 14049 11-12-95 07:06 330P.SPD 11227 11-12-95 07:30 VISTA.SPD -------- ------- 1959702 49 files

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