Model: CD Color Printer II
Operating System: (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)
Primera CD Color Printer II Driver.
File Contents: Length Date Time Name
-------- ---- ---- ----
159 02-24-99 03:51 FILE_ID.DIZ
400308 10-13-98 17:33 ALIGNCD2.PRN
117848 09-21-98 16:51 BIDI2_C.PRN
58328 09-21-98 16:51 BIDI2_M.PRN
59258 06-03-97 17:21 CDCOLOR1.CC
59258 09-15-98 08:04 CDCOLOR2.CC
336432 02-23-99 18:28 CDCOLOR2.DRV
49455 09-03-98 21:47 CDCOLOR2.HLP
931 10-14-98 09:39 CDCOLOR2.INF
83000 09-21-98 16:52 CPURGE2.PRN
100 08-05-98 12:14 FARGOCLR.CPR
124928 12-03-98 15:54 MPURGE2.PRN
195 10-14-98 09:38 OEMSETUP.INF
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1290200 13 files