13 Mar 2025


Microsoft Adaptec AIRport 1000 Printer Driver

Company: Microsoft
Model: Adaptec AIRport 1000
Operating System:   (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: irda20.exe


Microsoft Adaptec AIRport 1000 Driver.  
File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 7168 05-11-96 17:14 INFRARED.CPL 6175 05-11-96 17:14 ACT220L.VXD 7195 05-11-96 17:14 ADAPTEC.VXD 7195 05-11-96 17:14 CRYSTAL.VXD 6151 05-11-96 17:14 ESI.VXD 7195 05-11-96 17:14 ACT200L.VXD 28416 05-11-96 17:14 INFRARED.DLL 36002 05-11-96 17:14 INFRARED.HLP 8286 05-11-96 17:14 INFRARED.INF 15906 05-11-96 17:14 IR_BEGIN.WAV 42728 05-11-96 17:14 IR_END.WAV 75508 05-11-96 17:14 IR_INTER.WAV 32362 05-11-96 17:14 IRCOMM.VXD 1806 05-11-96 17:14 IRDALAN.INF 17808 05-11-96 17:14 IRDALAN.SYS 24712 05-11-96 17:14 IRENUM.VXD 71706 05-11-96 17:14 IRLAMP.VXD 14928 05-11-96 17:14 IRLAPFRM.VXD 116736 05-11-96 17:14 IRMON.EXE 3717 05-11-96 17:14 IRMONHLP.EXE 13780 05-11-96 17:14 LICENSE.TXT 9520 05-11-96 17:14 MSPORTS.INF 99084 05-11-96 17:14 NDIS.VXD 6181 05-11-96 17:14 PARALLAX.VXD 77312 05-11-96 17:14 RELNOTES.DOC 4321 05-11-96 17:14 SETUP.EXE 1611 05-11-96 17:14 W_IR.CNT -------- ---- 743509 27 files

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