Model: ES1868 Control Interface
Operating System: (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)
File: ESS1868.ZIP
ESS Technologies ES1868 Control Interface Driver.
File Contents: Length Date Time Name
-------- ---- ---- ----
80384 01-07-97 18:02 RELEASE.DOC
62800 11-21-96 18:46 ES1868.DRV
20976 11-21-96 18:48 ESFM.DRV
10368 11-21-96 18:49 ESSMPU.DRV
42656 11-21-96 19:01 OEMSETUP.INF
31924 11-21-96 18:42 ES1868.VXD
-------- ----
249108 6 files