14 Mar 2025


Alps Electric MD-1000 Printer Driver

Company: Alps Electric
Model: MD-1000
Operating System: All Windows 98 (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: MD1000.zip


Alps Electric MD-1000 Driver. This is the factory distributed driver for the MD-1000. When unzipped, just dbl click on executable file to unpack, then read the "readme" for install specifics. I posted this driver since several of the comments said they could not find the download. This is NOT that file. I am re-uploading the other driver after this, so it should be findable after downloading.I am not sure why the file dissapears, unless your machine does NOT have the "show all files" option checked in the "folder options" button.Click "start","settings", "folder options",click the "view"tab,un-check the"hide file extentions for known file types"box, and check the "show all files"box and make sure to click "file", "close", instead of clicking the X, as this will not save the settings on occasion.
File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 2859991 03-17-03 02:54 MD1000/MDP640.EXE -------- ---- 2859991 1 files

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