13 Mar 2025


Other Companies RVS Printer Driver

Company: Other Companies
Model: RVS
Operating System: All Windows 2000 (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: RVS-W2K-Patch.zip


Other Companies RVS Driver. For using RVS-COM LITE older versions (before 1.63 I think, e.g. I´ve got ver1.55 build 2782) under WINDOWS 2000 some printer drivers are missing. They are




Although they are coming from Windows NT, they are working under WIN2000 as well.

You should extract them to your directory

C \WINNT\system32\spool\drivers\w32x86 (or similar)

After that, you should run the RVS-COM SETUP again.

The SETUP is NOT to be mixed up with the "Installation assistant" which prompts you to enter your personal setting and which runs as the second part of the SETUP procedure and can be always be accessed from the CommCenter.

Within the SETUP-procedure you have the options

"REPAIR" an existing RVSCOM and

"KEEP" your personal settings.

Both of them you should choose.

If you expanded the DLL-files to an other directory than suggested, you culd be asked within the setup-procedure, to prompt to this directory.

After rebooting your computer, you should find 2 new printers installed to your system named


RVS Rendering Subsystem

With the help of these virtual printers you should be able to receive and to send Faxes even with the older versions of RVS-COMlite under WINDOWS2000 (even out of other applications like WORD or so). You don´t have to install other printers as these 3 files and this procedure should be sufficient.

I found shorter and (some months) newer versions of RASDD.DLL and RASDDUI.DLL , but I don´t know whether they work too.

File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 76560 05-13-99 13:05 rasddui.dll 73104 05-13-99 13:05 rasdd.dll 12288 09-09-98 01:00 RVSFAXNT.DLL 915 09-09-02 00:30 Info.txt -------- ---- 162867 4 files

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