12 Mar 2025


Roland All Roland Plotters Printer Driver

Company: Roland
Model: All Roland Plotters
Operating System: Windows 95 (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: roland95.zip


Roland All Roland Plotters Driver. Access "Control Panel" and "Add New Hardware", Don't let Windows search for the new hardware and select from the list "Printers" and then click the "Have Disk" button. Browse until you find the directory you unzipped Roland95.zip into and select the OEMsetup.inf file and select your model of plotter.
File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 10574 10-07-96 00:11 STIKAE.HLP 10990 12-26-96 16:00 CAMM1FJ.HLP 12849 12-26-96 16:00 CAMM1GE.HLP 12607 12-26-96 16:00 CAMM1GJ.HLP 3286 05-15-97 15:26 OEMSETUP.INF 103024 12-26-96 16:00 RDGCAMM1.DRV 1514 05-20-97 09:30 README95.TXT 261752 02-08-96 02:30 RDGCAMM2.DRV 31129 02-08-96 02:30 CAMM2ENG.HLP 30062 02-08-96 02:30 CAMM2JPN.HLP 162624 12-12-96 01:40 RDGPEN.DRV 11363 12-12-96 01:40 RDGPENE.HLP 10901 12-12-96 01:40 RDGPENJ.HLP 10457 10-07-96 00:11 STIKAJ.HLP 11097 12-26-96 16:00 CAMM1FE.HLP 97840 10-07-96 00:11 RDGSTIKA.DRV 95824 11-08-96 01:30 CAMMJET.DRV 32960 11-08-96 01:30 CAMMJET.BIN 18244 11-08-96 01:30 CAMMJET.HLP 18044 11-08-96 01:30 CAMMJETJ.HLP 126352 11-19-96 01:20 MODELA.DRV 1195 11-19-96 01:20 MDLMAT.DAT 13594 11-19-96 01:20 MODELAE.HLP 13726 11-19-96 01:20 MODELAJ.HLP 98224 11-01-96 02:30 PNC5000.DRV 15520 11-01-96 02:30 PNC5000.HLP 15459 11-01-96 02:30 PNC5000J.HLP 15509 11-01-96 01:30 PC50.HLP 8628 05-15-97 15:32 PC50.GID 98352 11-01-96 01:30 PC50.DRV 15431 11-01-96 01:30 PC50J.HLP 11300 08-19-96 01:02 SCRBENG.HLP 122208 08-19-96 01:02 RDGSCRB.DRV 10955 08-19-96 01:02 SCRBJPN.HLP -------- ------- 1513594 34 files

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