14 Mar 2025


Seiko PRO Printer Driver

Company: Seiko
Model: PRO
Operating System: Windows 95b (osr2) (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: SeikoSmartLablePrinterProVer210windows.zip


Seiko PRO Driver. Their are two zip files for this driver one Windows and one Dos.

I have orignal Printer and drivers.

This is still runnimg on my win2k system. I also have Version 2.08 if needed.

File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 3151 10-19-95 03:10 WINSETUP.INF 50686 10-19-95 03:10 COMMDLG._LL 12201 10-19-95 03:10 CTL3DV2._LL 30 10-19-95 03:10 FONTS.LST 43854 10-19-95 03:10 FTMWIN._LL 17149 10-19-95 03:10 IMAGEMAN._LL 4673 10-19-95 03:10 IMGBMP._IL 6662 10-19-95 03:10 IMGGIF._IL 10612 10-19-95 03:10 IMGPCX._IL 6349 10-19-95 03:10 IMGTGA._IL 18687 10-19-95 03:10 IMGTIFF._IL 2942 10-19-95 03:10 LABELS._LD 454 10-19-95 03:10 LABELS.INF 132 10-19-95 03:10 LABELS.SLI 11698 10-19-95 03:10 PROSPOOL._LL 107144 10-19-95 03:10 PROW._XE 1602 10-19-95 03:10 PROWDATA._LP 33616 10-19-95 03:10 PROWENU._LP 17920 10-19-95 03:10 README.WRI 23638 10-19-95 03:10 SLPBC._LL 31574 10-19-95 03:10 SLPP1ENU._LL 20620 10-19-95 03:10 SLPPRO._RV 19968 10-19-95 03:10 SLPS1DEU.DLL 23552 10-19-95 03:10 SLPS1ENU.DLL 19968 10-19-95 03:10 SLPS1FRA.DLL 12998 10-19-95 03:10 SLPUTIL._LL 24607 10-19-95 03:10 UPDATE._XE 105488 10-19-95 03:10 WINSETUP.EXE -------- ---- 631975 28 files

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