14 Mar 2025


Seiko EZ-30 Label Printer Printer Driver

Company: Seiko
Model: EZ-30 Label Printer
Operating System: All Windows 2000 (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: Seiko_EZ-30_Win2k.Zip


Seiko EZ-30 Label Printer Driver. As there is no official driver support for the EZ-30 Under Win2k, this is a "roll your own" made from a modified MS Printer inf file (SeikoEZ30.inf - may be opened with notepad for the curious), the Seiko NT4.0 data file (slpez30h.dll) and the Windows 2k RAS printer files. To use just unpack to a temp folder and install as a normal printer using the "Add Printer Wizard" then selecting "Have Disk", navigate to the folder where you unpacked the files and select the "SeikoEZ30.inf" file. Also included is the printer test page program supplied by Seiko. Run by using the supplied batch file (Note the batch file will need to be modified if you did not use the default printer name.
File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 65536 11-16-98 10:04 Printer Test/EZ30TEST.EN 282624 11-16-98 10:04 Printer Test/EZ30TEST.EXE 66048 11-16-98 10:04 Printer Test/EZ30TEST.FR 66048 11-16-98 10:04 Printer Test/EZ30TEST.DE 40 12-31-03 21:54 Printer Test/Test.Cmd 76592 11-03-98 19:35 RASDD.DLL 64272 11-03-98 19:35 RASDDUI.DLL 18595 11-03-98 19:35 RASDDUI.HLP 581 12-31-03 21:21 SeikoEZ30.inf 10240 11-16-98 10:13 slpez30h.dll -------- ---- 650576 10 files

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