14 Mar 2025


Seiko SLP1000P Printer Driver

Company: Seiko
Model: SLP1000P
Operating System: Windows 3.1 (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: SLP_340.zip


Seiko SLP1000P Driver. Unzip all of the contents in the file

to your harddrive and run "Winsetup.exe". I have used this

driver and program for years on different PCs with excellent results!

I have yet to try it on WinXP so you

might(?) have a problem there if it doesn't work for you. There may be an update somewhere for XP so you will just have to look. I hope it works for you. Enjoy!

File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 15196 10-04-97 04:40 SLP_340/ACT32._RD 12201 10-04-97 04:40 SLP_340/CTL3DV2._LL 259 10-04-97 03:50 SLP_340/DRIVER/OEMSETUP.INF 36864 10-04-97 03:50 SLP_340/DRIVER/SEIKOSLP.DRV 9232 10-04-97 03:50 SLP_340/DRIVER/SLP1100.DLL 20480 10-04-97 03:50 SLP_340/DRIVER/SLPD2DEU.DLL 22016 10-04-97 03:50 SLP_340/DRIVER/SLPD2ENU.DLL 20480 10-04-97 03:50 SLP_340/DRIVER/SLPD2FRA.DLL 8192 10-04-97 03:50 SLP_340/DRIVER/SLPDTHR.DLL 288536 10-04-97 04:40 SLP_340/FONTS._LP 16024 10-04-97 04:40 SLP_340/GOLD32._RD 71 10-04-97 04:40 SLP_340/INDEX._LP 285 10-04-97 04:40 SLP_340/LABELS._LP 9472 10-04-97 04:40 SLP_340/README.WRI 282 10-04-97 04:40 SLP_340/SAMPLE.LST 63532 10-04-97 04:40 SLP_340/SLPAPCAP._LL 27845 10-04-97 04:40 SLP_340/SLPCAP._XE 24641 10-04-97 04:40 SLP_340/SLPCAP32._LL 6952 10-04-97 04:40 SLP_340/SLPCOM._LL 8984 10-04-97 04:40 SLP_340/SLPF2ENU._LL 12515 10-04-97 04:40 SLP_340/SLPFONT._XE 31307 10-04-97 04:40 SLP_340/SLPLIB._LL 25088 10-04-97 04:40 SLP_340/SLPS1ENU.DLL 16614 10-04-97 04:40 SLP_340/SLPSPOOL._LL 13476 10-04-97 04:40 SLP_340/SLPUTIL._LL 58051 10-04-97 04:40 SLP_340/SLPW._XE 418 10-04-97 04:40 SLP_340/SLPWDATA._LP 36629 10-04-97 04:40 SLP_340/SLPWENU._LP 16938 10-04-97 04:40 SLP_340/SLPZ1ENU._LL 107024 10-04-97 04:40 SLP_340/WINSETUP.EXE 2125 10-04-97 04:40 SLP_340/WINSETUP.INF 5120 10-04-97 04:40 SLP_340/WORD32._RD 5289 10-04-97 04:40 SLP_340/WP32._RD -------- ---- 922138 33 files

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