Company: Hewlett Packard (HP)
Model: HP 2000c/2000cxi, Version 2.3
Operating System: Windows NT 4.0 (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

File: dj749en.exe
Hewlett Packard (HP) HP 2000c/2000cxi, Version 2.3 Driver. more information for this software:
AN IMPORTANT NOTE ON UPGRADING TO THIS DRIVER: If you are replacing the v.1.0 driver with the v.2.3 driver, you MUST uninstall the v.1.0 driver before installing the v.2.3 driver; otherwise, installation or driver errors may result. Single File Download Instructions (33.6K or faster) 1. Download the file to your local hard drive. 2. Exit all open applications. 3. Browse to and double-click the downloaded file to start the file uncompression and extraction process. Wait for the files to be extracted into a newly-created folder in the same directory. When completed, the entire driver will reside in this folder. 4. Install the driver from the folder it resides in. This can be done by running setup.exe in that folder.
File Contents: Length Date Time Name
-------- ---- ---- ----
68555 10-19-99 16:02 2kc23_nt_en/hpcola.ba_
34402 10-19-99 16:02 2kc23_nt_en/hpdmip.ba_
18489 10-19-99 16:02 2kc23_nt_en/hpdmipx.ba_
29200 10-19-99 16:02 2kc23_nt_en/hpnetsrv.ba_
21218 10-19-99 16:02 2kc23_nt_en/hpnwpsrv.ba_
61898 10-19-99 16:02 2kc23_nt_en/hpnwshim.ba_
114161 10-19-99 16:02 2kc23_nt_en/hpobj.ba_
41099 10-19-99 16:02 2kc23_nt_en/hpprntr.ba_
204905 10-19-99 16:02 2kc23_nt_en/hpprui.ba_
14870 10-19-99 16:02 2kc23_nt_en/hpr20009.hpc
22008 10-19-99 16:02 2kc23_nt_en/hpr20d09.hl_
221821 10-19-99 16:02 2kc23_nt_en/hpr20h09.hl_
366028 10-19-99 16:02 2kc23_nt_en/hpr20r09.hlp
121447 10-19-99 16:02 2kc23_nt_en/hpr20t09.hl_
1034 10-19-99 16:02 2kc23_nt_en/hpr20x09.cn_
5301 10-19-99 16:02 2kc23_nt_en/hpr20x09.hl_
38684 10-19-99 16:02 2kc23_nt_en/hpr24r09.dl_
17846 10-19-99 16:02 2kc23_nt_en/hprcbl09.dl_
68827 10-19-99 16:02 2kc23_nt_en/hprcfg09.ex_
7262 10-19-99 16:02 2kc23_nt_en/hprcfg09.hl_
122880 10-19-99 16:02 2kc23_nt_en/hprcnt09.dll
31633 10-19-99 16:02 2kc23_nt_en/hprcom09.dl_
113633 10-19-99 16:02 2kc23_nt_en/hprcps09.dl_
431104 10-19-99 16:02 2kc23_nt_en/hprdr109.dll
15872 10-19-99 16:02 2kc23_nt_en/hprdr209.dll
5120 10-19-99 16:02 2kc23_nt_en/hprdr309.dll
52256 10-19-99 16:02 2kc23_nt_en/hprecp09.sys
10405 10-19-99 16:02 2kc23_nt_en/hprhid09.ex_
2929 10-19-99 16:02 2kc23_nt_en/hprhrl09.dl_
908559 10-19-99 16:02 2kc23_nt_en/hprimg09.dl_
14372 10-19-99 16:02 2kc23_nt_en/hpriop09.dl_
16056 10-19-99 16:02 2kc23_nt_en/hprkm09.dl_
65859 10-19-99 16:02 2kc23_nt_en/hprlnk09.ex_
411 10-19-99 16:02 2kc23_nt_en/hprlnk09.in_
21492 10-19-99 16:02 2kc23_nt_en/hprlpm09.dl_
98846 10-19-99 16:02 2kc23_nt_en/hprlrl09.dl_
24024 10-19-99 16:02 2kc23_nt_en/hprmem09.dl_
61452 10-19-99 16:02 2kc23_nt_en/hprmlc09.dl_
20952 10-19-99 16:02 2kc23_nt_en/hprmon09.dl_
210893 10-19-99 16:02 2kc23_nt_en/hprmrl09.dl_
11712 10-19-99 16:02 2kc23_nt_en/hprnet09.dl_
90043 10-19-99 16:02 2kc23_nt_en/hprntu09.dl_
35235 10-19-99 16:02 2kc23_nt_en/hprpcl09.dl_
32153 10-19-99 16:02 2kc23_nt_en/hprpml09.dl_
766 10-19-99 16:02 2kc23_nt_en/hprrel09.ico
96924 10-19-99 16:02 2kc23_nt_en/hprrsa09.dl_
16107 10-19-99 16:02 2kc23_nt_en/hprrsu09.dl_
116193 10-19-99 16:02 2kc23_nt_en/hprsrl09.dl_
16108 10-19-99 16:02 2kc23_nt_en/hprstb09.dl_
382414 10-19-99 16:02 2kc23_nt_en/hprtbx09.ex_
381440 10-19-99 16:02 2kc23_nt_en/hprti109.exe
2786 10-19-99 16:02 2kc23_nt_en/hprti109.inf
47956 10-19-99 16:02 2kc23_nt_en/hprti109.ini
12800 10-19-99 16:02 2kc23_nt_en/hprti409.dll
8192 10-19-99 16:02 2kc23_nt_en/hprti509.dll
14336 10-19-99 16:02 2kc23_nt_en/hprti709.dll
23045 10-19-99 16:02 2kc23_nt_en/hprtrl09.av_
617766 10-19-99 16:02 2kc23_nt_en/hprtrl09.dl_
326395 10-19-99 16:02 2kc23_nt_en/hprtry09.ex_
24080 10-19-99 16:02 2kc23_nt_en/hprtst09.dl_
175864 10-19-99 16:02 2kc23_nt_en/hprui09.dl_
145753 10-19-99 16:02 2kc23_nt_en/hprwin09.dl_
49383 10-19-99 16:02 2kc23_nt_en/hpsnmp.ba_
267536 10-19-99 16:02 2kc23_nt_en/msvcrt.dll
23552 10-19-99 16:02 2kc23_nt_en/setup.exe
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6626342 65 files