31 Mar 2025


Hewlett Packard (HP) HP Deskjet 630c printer, Version: 3.47 Printer Driver

Company: Hewlett Packard (HP)
Model: HP Deskjet 630c printer, Version: 3.47
Operating System: Windows 2000 (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: dj630en.exe


Hewlett Packard (HP) HP Deskjet 630c printer, Version: 3.47 Driver. This driver is designed for use on computers that will be directly connected to the printer from the computer through a USB or parallel cable.

The following issues were corrected with version 3.4:

Chinese characters of different font sizes were corrupted or missing.

When printing some graphics from Microsoft �® Office XP applications in Windows 95 and Windows 98, there was a long delay between clicking on the print command and the printer picking up paper.

The error message "WKSDB caused an exception 10h in module WKSDB.EXE" displayed when opening the recipe book option in MS Works 2000 in Windows 95 and Windows 98.

Uninstall the current printer driver before installing this new version of the printer driver. To remove the printer driver, click "Start", "Programs", "hp deskjet 630c series", "hp deskjet 630c series Uninstall" and then follow the on-screen prompts.

Caution: The printer's cable (USB or Parallel) must be unplugged before proceeding!

Installation instructions:

Create a new folder on the hard drive: c:\dj630 before downloading the printer driver.

Download the driver to the newly created c:\dj630 folder.

Open the c:\dj630 folder and double-click on the downloaded "exe" file. Once the files are loaded and the "hp deskjet 630c" screen displays, proceed to step 9. If this screen does not display, continue with the next step to manually open the screen.

Double-click on the c:\dj630 folder to open the 3 letter language folder. For example, the English driver will display an "enu" folder.

Double-click on the "enu" folder to open it.

Double-click on the "nt4" folder to open it.

Double-click on the "disk1" folder to open it.

Double-click on the "setup.exe" file to start the installation program. The HP DeskJet installation screen should now appear.

Click the "Install hp deskjet 630c series printer software" icon button. Once the files are loaded, an "hp deskjet 630c installer" screen opens.

Follow the instructions on the installer screens.

The installer will copy files - WAIT for it to finish.

Select "Skip" as the "Demo page" function has been disabled.

For a successful install, you will see a congratulations screen. Click "Done" to complete the installation.

File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 3685 06-27-01 14:46 compinfo.txt 7730 06-27-01 14:46 hpf630.cat 178726 06-27-01 14:46 hpf630p.cat 4852 06-27-01 14:46 hpf630p.inf 1247 06-27-01 14:46 hpsetup.ini 8975 06-27-01 14:46 hpz630b.cat 2901 06-27-01 14:46 hpz630b.inf 46592 06-27-01 14:46 hpzcin04.exe 253952 06-27-01 14:46 hpzglu03.exe 76032 06-27-01 14:46 hpzion00.sys 99840 06-27-01 14:46 hpziou01.dll 28722 06-27-01 14:46 hpzjlog.dll 327737 06-27-01 14:46 hpzjpp01.dll 225337 06-27-01 14:46 hpzjut01.dll 36924 06-27-01 14:46 hpzjvp01.dll 172032 06-27-01 14:46 hpzpnp03.dll 49152 06-27-01 14:46 hpzpom03.dll 143360 06-27-01 14:46 hpzscr03.dll 11792 06-27-01 14:46 hpzuci01.dll 112068 06-27-01 14:46 hpzusb00.sys 70656 06-27-01 14:46 msvcirt.dll 254005 06-27-01 14:46 msvcrt.dll 12608 06-27-01 14:46 setup.exe 458752 06-27-01 14:46 tls704d.dll 251 06-27-01 14:46 verinfo.txt 28855 06-27-01 14:09 enu/drivers/Win_2k/hpf63003.dat 16003 06-27-01 14:09 enu/drivers/Win_2k/hpf630k.cat 3956 06-27-01 14:09 enu/drivers/Win_2k/hpf630k.inf 94914 06-27-01 14:09 enu/drivers/Win_2k/hpfuih03.hl_ 72845 06-27-01 14:09 enu/drivers/Win_2k/hpz2ku03.dl_ 139799 06-27-01 14:09 enu/drivers/Win_2k/hpzcfg03.ex_ 196608 06-27-01 14:09 enu/drivers/Win_2k/hpzcoi03.dll 49284 06-27-01 14:09 enu/drivers/Win_2k/hpzcon03.dl_ 207314 06-27-01 14:09 enu/drivers/Win_2k/hpzeng03.ex_ 523573 06-27-01 14:09 enu/drivers/Win_2k/hpzimb03.dl_ 143642 06-27-01 14:09 enu/drivers/Win_2k/hpzime03.dl_ 914010 06-27-01 14:09 enu/drivers/Win_2k/hpzimp03.dl_ 633689 06-27-01 14:09 enu/drivers/Win_2k/hpzimv03.dl_ 123384 06-27-01 14:09 enu/drivers/Win_2k/hpzjui03.dl_ 63947 06-27-01 14:09 enu/drivers/Win_2k/hpzlnt03.dl_ 98994 06-27-01 14:09 enu/drivers/Win_2k/hpzntp03.dl_ 69622 06-27-01 14:09 enu/drivers/Win_2k/hpzpcl03.dl_ 93265 06-27-01 14:09 enu/drivers/Win_2k/hpzpre03.ex_ 2263959 06-27-01 14:09 enu/drivers/Win_2k/hpzr3203.dl_ 40693 06-27-01 14:09 enu/drivers/Win_2k/hpzres03.dl_ 81483 06-27-01 14:09 enu/drivers/Win_2k/hpzrpp03.dl_ 284122 06-27-01 14:09 enu/drivers/Win_2k/hpzstc03.ex_ 61156 06-27-01 14:09 enu/drivers/Win_2k/hpztbi03.dl_ 119483 06-27-01 14:09 enu/drivers/Win_2k/hpztbu03.ex_ 218052 06-27-01 14:09 enu/drivers/Win_2k/hpztbx03.ex_ 217088 06-27-01 14:46 util/630c/hpfpdi03.exe 188416 06-27-01 14:46 util/630c/hpzghl03.exe 176128 06-27-01 14:46 util/630c/hpzpin03.exe 23552 06-27-01 14:46 util/cfgmgr32.dll 327072 06-27-01 14:46 util/setupapi.dll 5048 06-27-01 14:09 enu/nt4/Disk1/congrat.bmz 17423 06-27-01 14:09 enu/nt4/Disk1/hpfinsta.exz 18104 06-27-01 14:09 enu/nt4/Disk1/hpfsched.exz 975 06-27-01 14:09 enu/nt4/Disk1/hpsetup.ini 6091 06-27-01 14:09 enu/nt4/Disk1/inline.bmz 5158 06-27-01 14:09 enu/nt4/Disk1/intro.bmz 4160 06-27-01 14:09 enu/nt4/Disk1/license.bmz 5720 06-27-01 14:09 enu/nt4/Disk1/makedisk.bmz 6219 06-27-01 14:09 enu/nt4/Disk1/nt4/apps.hpz 1786 06-27-01 14:09 enu/nt4/Disk1/nt4/apps2.hpz 203 06-27-01 14:09 enu/nt4/Disk1/nt4/congrats.hpz 99 06-27-01 14:11 enu/nt4/Disk1/nt4/driver.hpi 6465 06-27-01 14:09 enu/nt4/Disk1/nt4/ereg.hpz 11764 06-27-01 14:09 enu/nt4/Disk1/nt4/hpfaicm.exz 94082 06-27-01 14:09 enu/nt4/Disk1/nt4/hpfinst.dlz 40960 06-27-01 14:09 enu/nt4/Disk1/nt4/hpfinstx.exe 133948 06-27-01 14:09 enu/nt4/Disk1/nt4/hpfiui.exz 86016 06-27-01 14:09 enu/nt4/Disk1/nt4/hpfldr.exe 2191 06-27-01 14:09 enu/nt4/Disk1/nt4/hpfldr.ini 12283 06-27-01 14:09 enu/nt4/Disk1/nt4/hpfmicm.exz 159744 06-27-01 14:09 enu/nt4/Disk1/nt4/hpfsplsh.exe 1471 06-27-01 14:09 enu/nt4/Disk1/nt4/hpfsplsh.ini 10772 06-27-01 14:09 enu/nt4/Disk1/nt4/hpfxicm.exz 502 06-27-01 14:09 enu/nt4/Disk1/nt4/hpinfo.daz 18510 06-27-01 14:09 enu/nt4/Disk1/nt4/inc.hpz 824 06-27-01 14:11 enu/nt4/Disk1/nt4/install.hpz 3337 06-27-01 14:09 enu/nt4/Disk1/nt4/license.txt 8732 06-27-01 14:11 enu/nt4/Disk1/nt4/master.hpz 16438 06-27-01 14:09 enu/nt4/Disk1/oval.bmp 5443 06-27-01 14:09 enu/nt4/Disk1/port.bmz 15528 06-27-01 14:09 enu/nt4/Disk1/printer.bmp 23904 06-27-01 14:09 enu/nt4/Disk1/printpcl.exz 2078 06-27-01 14:09 enu/nt4/Disk1/prnmask.bmp 3211 06-27-01 14:09 enu/nt4/Disk1/restart.bmz 12608 06-27-01 14:09 enu/nt4/Disk1/setup.exe 4352 06-27-01 14:09 enu/nt4/Disk1/status.bmz 2429 06-27-01 14:09 enu/nt4/Disk1/unstall.bmz 3542 06-27-01 14:09 enu/nt4/Disk1/usb.bmz 5048 06-27-01 14:09 enu/nt4/Disk1/wowdemo.bmz 149 06-27-01 15:44 hpsfx.ini -------- ---- 10820153 95 files

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