Hewlett Packard (HP) HP Deskjet 9680 printer, Version 1.1 Driver. more information for this software:
This driver supports the hp deskjet 9600 series printer on Windows 2000, & Windows XP.
It contains ONLY the driver and does NOT include installation instructions, the printer driver uninstaller or the printer toolbox.
Installation instructions:
1. Download the file onto your local hard drive.
2. Choose View then Options in your Windows Explorer. Check that the settings "Show all files" and "display the full path in title bar" are enabled.
3. Double click the .exe file.
4. This will extract all components necessary for the "add printer" installation, onto your hard drive. Make a note of the location of the extracted components.
5. Use the printer folder or the windows control panel to initiate the "add printer" option on your computer.
6. Follow the step-by-step instructions, which will appear, on your screen.
7. When appropriate, use the "Have Disk" option, and start the installation by browsing to the sub-directory which contains the extracted components.
8. Follow the remaining instructions, which will appear, on your screen.
Length Date Time Name
-------- ---- ---- ----
117888 09-11-03 15:40 hpdj9600/Drivers/PCL3/Win2k_XP/English/hpf7eo09.dat
14810 09-11-03 15:40 hpdj9600/Drivers/PCL3/Win2k_XP/English/hpf9600k.cat
2259 09-11-03 15:40 hpdj9600/Drivers/PCL3/Win2k_XP/English/hpf9600k.inf
27913 09-11-03 15:40 hpdj9600/Drivers/PCL3/Win2k_XP/English/hpfmom09.hl_
338496 09-11-03 15:40 hpdj9600/Drivers/PCL3/Win2k_XP/English/hpwisvb.dl_
125410 09-11-03 15:40 hpdj9600/Drivers/PCL3/Win2k_XP/English/hpz2ku09.dl_
135854 09-11-03 15:40 hpdj9600/Drivers/PCL3/Win2k_XP/English/hpzcfg09.ex_
486589 09-11-03 15:40 hpdj9600/Drivers/PCL3/Win2k_XP/English/hpzeng09.ex_
36742 09-11-03 15:40 hpdj9600/Drivers/PCL3/Win2k_XP/English/hpzflt09.dl_
152123 09-11-03 15:40 hpdj9600/Drivers/PCL3/Win2k_XP/English/hpzime09.dl_
110276 09-11-03 15:40 hpdj9600/Drivers/PCL3/Win2k_XP/English/hpzjui09.dl_
56036 09-11-03 15:40 hpdj9600/Drivers/PCL3/Win2k_XP/English/hpzl3209.dl_
81904 09-11-03 15:40 hpdj9600/Drivers/PCL3/Win2k_XP/English/hpzlnt09.dl_
222029 09-11-03 15:40 hpdj9600/Drivers/PCL3/Win2k_XP/English/hpzpm309.dl_
197484 09-11-03 15:40 hpdj9600/Drivers/PCL3/Win2k_XP/English/hpzpre09.ex_
30650 09-11-03 15:40 hpdj9600/Drivers/PCL3/Win2k_XP/English/hpzrer09.dl_
254419 09-11-03 15:40 hpdj9600/Drivers/PCL3/Win2k_XP/English/hpzres09.dl_
216520 09-11-03 15:40 hpdj9600/Drivers/PCL3/Win2k_XP/English/hpzrm309.dl_
93168 09-11-03 15:40 hpdj9600/Drivers/PCL3/Win2k_XP/English/hpzvip09.dl_
78 09-11-03 15:40 hpsfx.ini
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2700648 20 files