14 Mar 2025


Epson Epson Stylus Color 480SXU Version 5.0bA Printer Driver

Company: Epson
Model: Epson Stylus Color 480SXU Version 5.0bA
Operating System: Windows 98 (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: SC480SXU50BA.EXE


Epson Epson Stylus Color 480SXU Version 5.0bA Driver. Printer Driver v5.0bA

Windows Me, Windows 98

SC480SXU50BA.EXE - 7.5MB - posted on 10/13/00

This self-extracting file contains the Epson Stylus Color 480SXU Printer Driver v5.0bA for Windows 98 and Me.

File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 949 09-07-00 01:00 WIN98/precopy/epusbe49.in_ 4380 09-26-00 01:00 WIN98/epiife49.eif 230228 08-30-00 06:41 WIN98/EPUPDATE.EX_ 26842 08-30-00 06:41 WIN98/SETUP32.DL_ 409 06-07-99 06:00 WIN98/epifln50.tf_ 12299 06-09-00 06:00 WIN98/epifln51.dl_ 36323 06-09-00 06:00 WIN98/epifln52.dl_ 87095 09-11-00 06:01 WIN98/epijnl30.dr_ 168030 06-09-00 06:00 WIN98/epirep30.dl_ 3339 06-09-00 06:00 WIN98/epibbl10.ex_ 24363 06-09-00 06:00 WIN98/epiclr20.dl_ 10251 06-09-00 06:00 WIN98/epicmy20.dl_ 119141 06-09-00 06:00 WIN98/epipmp10.dl_ 18231 07-14-00 04:00 WIN98/epusb.sy_ 1012 07-14-00 04:00 WIN98/epusbci.dl_ 21491 07-14-00 04:00 WIN98/epusbin.dl_ 15556 07-14-00 04:00 WIN98/epusbmn.dl_ 82501 07-14-00 04:00 WIN98/EPUSBUN.EXE 2235 09-07-00 01:00 WIN98/Epusbe49.inf 4440 09-07-00 01:00 WIN98/epiife49.inf 26342 09-25-00 06:01 WIN98/epiife49.do_ 633 09-22-00 06:01 WIN98/epiuie49.vi_ 121325 02-03-00 02:00 WIN98/ee103__1.ic_ 63863 02-02-00 06:00 WIN98/epid2e4r.dl_ 1124 02-18-00 01:00 WIN98/epidde4r.cf_ 1131 02-18-00 01:00 WIN98/epidde4r.da_ 151590 06-09-00 06:00 WIN98/epigue4z.dl_ 39645 06-09-00 06:00 WIN98/epihmm40.dl_ 73991 06-15-00 06:00 WIN98/epij4s3r.dl_ 693699 02-17-00 06:00 WIN98/episra4r.dl_ 38405 06-09-00 06:00 WIN98/epiumw4r.dl_ 6408 08-07-97 02:00 WIN98/epset16.dl_ 14478 06-09-00 06:00 WIN98/e_dmiu01.dl_ 181516 06-09-00 06:00 WIN98/e_dpu00e.dl_ 77918 06-09-00 06:00 WIN98/e_dwmc01.dl_ 14060 07-07-00 06:01 WIN98/epibsr10.ex_ 15118 06-09-00 06:00 WIN98/epictrl4.dl_ 23071 06-09-00 06:00 WIN98/epipgi10.dl_ 822 06-09-00 06:00 WIN98/epiri140.dl_ 26178 06-09-00 06:00 WIN98/epiri240.dl_ 10884 05-24-99 01:00 WIN98/episme00.wb_ 10778 05-24-99 01:00 WIN98/episme01.wb_ 10615 05-24-99 01:00 WIN98/episme02.wb_ 10513 05-24-99 01:00 WIN98/episme03.wb_ 10937 05-24-99 01:00 WIN98/episme04.wb_ 10050 05-24-99 01:00 WIN98/episme05.wb_ 10212 05-24-99 01:00 WIN98/episme06.wb_ 10827 05-24-99 01:00 WIN98/episme07.wb_ 8980 05-24-99 01:00 WIN98/episme08.wb_ 8368 05-24-99 01:00 WIN98/episme09.wb_ 32884 06-09-00 06:00 WIN98/epispl10.dl_ 150443 09-08-00 06:01 WIN98/epispm30.ex_ 66389 06-09-00 06:00 WIN98/epitwm10.dl_ 362950 01-26-00 06:00 WIN98/e_di01re.dl_ 28066 06-09-99 02:07 WIN98/epset32.dl_ 8199 06-08-99 02:01 WIN98/E_SEST16.DL_ 31405 06-08-99 02:01 WIN98/E_SEST32.DL_ 33202 08-10-00 03:09 WIN98/E_SLM068.DL_ 16300 11-24-99 02:00 WIN98/EBPCHP.DL_ 95 04-18-00 03:02 WIN98/EBPPORT.DA_ 18326 06-26-00 03:20 WIN98/ECBTEG.DL_ 7031 08-10-99 05:50 WIN98/epippj30.dl_ 508 07-19-00 11:00 WIN98/epiuie49.cn_ 90608 07-19-00 11:00 WIN98/epiuie49.hl_ 346815 06-09-00 06:00 WIN98/epiuie4z.dl_ 411943 06-28-00 02:00 WIN98/EPUB2714.DL_ 26721 06-28-00 02:00 WIN98/EPUI27E4.DL_ 9959 02-17-00 07:03 WIN98/EPUTIX14.DL_ 72613 02-17-00 07:03 WIN98/EPUTIX24.DL_ 24249 02-17-00 07:03 WIN98/EPUTIX24.EX_ 557 06-28-00 01:00 WIN98/EPUTPIB7.DX_ 5474 02-10-00 02:04 WIN98/epxlpt.vx_ 16229 11-18-96 20:22 WIN98/lpt.vx_ 97188 10-04-99 02:01 WIN98/E_SENV03.EX_ 229658 06-28-00 02:00 WIN98/E_SI2703.DL_ 44162 07-04-00 02:00 WIN98/E_SI2703.EX_ 1855 09-25-00 02:01 WIN98/E_SI27X3.DA_ 125592 04-26-00 02:05 WIN98/E_SICN03.EX_ 110074 10-04-99 02:02 WIN98/E_SMON03.DL_ 77 03-25-99 02:00 WIN98/E_SMON03.IN_ 4685 01-21-00 04:00 WIN98/E_SMSTE3.HL_ 17922 10-25-99 02:01 WIN98/E_SRESE3.DL_ 94934 10-04-99 02:01 WIN98/E_SRUN03.EX_ 130097 01-08-00 02:03 WIN98/E_SSET03.DL_ 122863 12-27-99 02:07 WIN98/E_STMS03.EX_ 116768 06-08-00 02:01 WIN98/EPUIK801.DL_ 1240901 08-29-00 01:00 WIN98/EB3ST000.DA_ 977723 08-29-00 01:00 WIN98/EB3ST001.DA_ 91548 10-29-99 02:12 WIN98/ES_COMB3.EX_ 56 04-14-99 01:00 WIN98/ES_COMB3.IN_ 17031 07-12-00 01:00 WIN98/DEVICEOP.DAT 295424 04-26-00 02:13 WIN98/DEVICEOP.EXE 131072 04-13-99 02:00 WIN98/E_SCHK03.EXE 93747 06-28-00 02:00 WIN98/E_SI27E3.DL_ 50688 02-03-00 02:06 WIN98/E_SPSU01.EXE 68495 09-18-00 03:04 WIN98/E_SRCV03.EX_ 14668 04-26-00 01:00 WIN98/PLUGIN.BMP 6282 09-26-00 01:00 epsetup.eif 32768 09-25-00 06:01 Readme.doc 438240 08-30-00 06:41 SETUP.EXE 48128 08-30-00 06:41 SETUP32.DLL -------- ---- 8906208 101 files

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