12 Mar 2025


Sharp Electronics UX-2700CM Printer Driver

Company: Sharp Electronics
Model: UX-2700CM
Operating System: Windows 95 & Windows 98 (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: UX2200.exe


Sharp Electronics UX-2700CM Driver. I have this one and I need a driver for Windows 2000...any help would be appreciated.



File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 57092 06-08-98 15:46 temp/WWSHMDLN.DL_ 322026 10-16-97 11:39 temp/_INST32I.EX_ 8192 09-07-95 20:22 temp/_ISDEL.EXE 6128 12-19-96 17:03 temp/_setup.dll 441972 07-09-98 03:35 temp/_setup.lib 132608 05-26-98 11:05 temp/alarun.exe 45568 10-16-97 10:42 temp/alaset.exe 169664 07-08-98 11:17 temp/alavbset.exe 7835 06-08-98 15:47 temp/AUTODLMD.EX_ 9926 07-11-97 13:01 temp/CFHELP.HL_ 49 10-08-95 01:45 temp/CJ27INST.INI 109056 08-15-95 01:00 temp/COMPOBJ.DLL 100033 07-01-97 19:05 temp/DOSFNT02.DL_ 34208 06-08-98 15:47 temp/LexSet.exe 5548 12-05-96 11:49 temp/LEXSW2.38_ 35511 11-18-96 09:55 temp/LPT.VXD 59591 02-11-98 09:42 temp/LX1000DB.EX_ 4520 10-24-95 15:53 temp/LXDBOXCP.EX_ 16384 02-02-96 22:33 temp/LXINST32.EXE 43082 05-31-97 14:59 temp/MDBITTLC.OU_ 15371 05-12-98 13:48 temp/MDBITTLK.OU_ 36546 02-22-97 10:11 temp/MDCOLCLN.OU_ 48225 06-09-97 10:37 temp/MDCTRL.DL_ 34282 06-08-98 15:42 temp/MDDSPLER.EX_ 35437 06-08-98 15:42 temp/MDHT16.DL_ 69632 12-18-97 19:54 temp/MDHT32.DLL 33561 06-08-98 15:42 temp/MDJNLLIB.DL_ 12800 11-13-97 18:23 temp/MDLANGMN.DLL 11723 03-27-98 10:15 temp/MDMONCLN.OU_ 43520 06-08-98 15:42 temp/MDPPRINT.DLL 53977 06-09-97 10:26 temp/MDPRSHT.DL_ 126989 06-08-98 15:42 temp/MDRASTER.DL_ 55850 06-08-98 15:42 temp/MDRSRC.DL_ 37888 08-05-97 14:21 temp/MDSHELLE.DLL 25486 06-08-98 15:42 temp/MDSPLMGR.EX_ 27648 06-08-98 15:42 temp/MDSTATMN.EXE 80709 04-19-98 17:15 temp/MDTESTC.OU_ 21310 04-19-98 17:09 temp/MDTESTM.OU_ 8981 06-08-98 15:42 temp/Mdthnk16.dll 7875 12-19-97 16:14 temp/Mdthnk32.dll 536048 12-20-96 00:00 temp/Oc25.dll 304640 08-15-95 01:00 temp/OLE2.DLL 164960 08-15-95 01:00 temp/OLE2DISP.DLL 152976 08-15-95 00:00 temp/OLE2NLS.DLL 4608 06-08-98 15:47 temp/README.EXE 6384 06-11-98 11:08 temp/setup.exe 16688 07-09-98 14:36 temp/setup.ins 759 03-31-98 16:01 temp/Shmfd.cnt 27981 03-31-98 17:37 temp/SHMFD.HL_ 29966 03-31-98 16:44 temp/WIN95/SHMFD.HL_ 27981 03-31-98 17:37 temp/Shmfd.hlp 157696 08-05-96 14:44 temp/STORAGE.DLL 4082 06-08-98 15:47 temp/Sw2red95.dll 2526 07-29-96 15:23 temp/SW2REDIR.DL_ 177856 08-24-96 11:11 temp/TYPELIB.DLL 15872 11-08-96 15:56 temp/UNSETM32.EXE 35792 06-08-98 15:47 temp/UNSETMD.EXE 8 07-08-98 12:12 temp/UX2200C.txt 935632 08-15-95 00:00 temp/VB40016.DLL 3033 05-11-94 08:39 temp/VPD.38_ 2072 05-11-98 10:40 temp/WIN95.INF 156132 06-08-98 15:46 temp/WWSHMD.DR_ -------- ------- 5160495 62 files

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