31 Mar 2025


Lexmark P122 Photo Jetprinter Printer Driver

Company: Lexmark
Model: P122 Photo Jetprinter
Operating System: Windows 98 (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: CJ9X122E.exe


Lexmark P122 Photo Jetprinter Driver. Lexmark P122 Photo Jetprinter Driver for Microsoft Windows Millennium and Windows 98. Driver Version Once downloaded, double-click the file to extract the printer driver and begin installation. Then, follow the on-screen instructions. After printer driver installation is complete then download the Card Reader Driver (CJ9X122UE.EXE), by downloading driver, double-clicking the file to extract and begin installation. NOTE: Once the Card Reader driver is installed you will need to reboot your system. For support information on this file visit Technical Support Center. These drivers can be downloaded from this web site free of charge. However, there will be a fee to cover materials and handling if requested from the Technical Support Center.
File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 41219 04-09-01 16:00 lxafstph.exe 38 08-15-00 12:26 cdfe_all.ini 11138 09-23-98 15:56 cfhelp.hl_ 49 10-08-95 02:45 cj27inst.ini 62927 04-09-01 14:19 lexbce.dl_ 147255 04-09-01 14:20 lexbces.ex_ 104266 04-09-01 14:23 lexlmpm.dl_ 82419 04-09-01 14:22 lexlmtmp.dl_ 171 12-16-99 13:21 lexmark.ht_ 2798 02-13-01 10:48 lexp122.ic_ 112260 04-09-01 14:16 lexp2p32.dl_ 96099 04-09-01 14:17 lexpps.ex_ 11851 04-09-01 14:20 lexstart.ex_ 2048 02-19-01 18:44 lexusb.inf 7712 04-09-01 14:22 lexusb.sy_ 87027 04-09-01 14:21 lexusb32.dl_ 3014 04-09-01 14:24 lexusbci.dl_ 76 08-24-99 12:01 lexusbci.ini 16790 04-09-01 14:21 lexusbin.ex_ 16229 11-18-96 10:55 lpt.vx_ 1683 02-27-01 15:49 lxaf9xdh.cn_ 63022 03-29-01 17:04 lxaf9xdh.hl_ 24634 04-09-01 14:19 lxafap32.ex_ 56435 03-15-01 15:46 lxafcaln.ou_ 45745 03-15-01 15:46 lxafccln.ou_ 96908 04-09-01 14:26 lxafcol.dl_ 48148 04-09-01 14:17 lxafct.dl_ 53248 04-09-01 14:19 lxafD32.DLL 18432 04-09-01 14:27 LXAFDEL.DLL 176800 04-09-01 14:27 LXAFDEL.EXE 30720 04-09-01 14:19 lxafDR32.DLL 40794 04-09-01 14:25 lxafdspl.ex_ 61143 04-09-01 14:15 lxaffc.dl_ 37362 04-09-01 14:25 lxafh4.dl_ 44401 04-09-01 14:17 lxafh5.dl_ 35445 04-09-01 14:25 lxafjnll.dl_ 23937 03-15-01 15:46 lxafkaln.ou_ 45911 03-15-01 15:46 lxafkcln.ou_ 99010 04-09-01 14:19 lxaflmdl.dl_ 8848 04-09-01 14:17 lxaflmon.dl_ 39193 04-09-01 14:17 lxafpprt.dl_ 100771 04-09-01 14:26 lxafpr.dr_ 828 04-09-01 14:19 LXAFPR.INF 70886 04-09-01 14:27 lxafprln.dl_ 53984 04-09-01 14:25 lxafpsh.dl_ 55875 04-09-01 14:25 lxafrc.dl_ 128482 04-09-01 14:25 lxafrstr.dl_ 24933 04-09-01 14:17 lxafshll.dl_ 25494 04-09-01 14:25 lxafsmgr.ex_ 17528 04-09-01 14:25 lxafstmn.ex_ 98 02-23-01 15:31 cdfe.ini 29901 11-17-98 02:46 lxaftcsp.hlp 200 02-27-01 12:19 Lxaftcsw.htm 10320 04-09-01 14:25 lxaftk16.dl_ 12666 04-09-01 14:17 lxaftk32.dl_ 655481 02-13-01 08:42 lxaftstc.ou_ 125247 12-13-99 13:52 lxaftstk.ou_ 16779 03-31-95 18:46 lximg2.bm_ 13164 08-26-97 17:30 lxk_bllo.wa_ 15775 08-26-97 17:30 lxk_cllo.wa_ 20518 08-26-97 17:30 lxk_cmpb.wa_ 16973 08-26-97 17:30 lxk_crmg.wa_ 27699 08-26-97 17:30 lxk_lpaf.wa_ 30123 08-26-97 17:30 lxk_lpmf.wa_ 21432 08-26-97 17:30 lxk_ntmg.wa_ 13772 08-26-97 17:30 lxk_pajm.wa_ 15021 08-26-97 17:30 lxk_phlo.wa_ 10542 08-26-97 17:30 lxk_prcp.wa_ 15596 08-26-97 17:30 lxk_prpb.wa_ 11603 08-26-97 17:30 lxk_prst.wa_ 5541 08-26-97 17:30 lxk_tkyu.wa_ 8088 12-20-99 15:59 lxrolmon.dl_ 24064 04-03-01 14:46 pjP122.doc 15402 04-09-01 14:15 printray.dl_ 17876 04-09-01 14:15 printray.ex_ 8064 04-09-01 14:27 SETUP.EXE 5098 05-28-92 17:44 speaker.dr_ 3456 05-24-99 13:09 sw2inst.drv -------- ---- 3486485 78 files

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