31 Mar 2025


Lexmark Forms Printer 4227 Plus Printer Driver

Company: Lexmark
Model: Forms Printer 4227 Plus
Operating System:   (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: 4227AIX3.TAR


Lexmark Forms Printer 4227 Plus Driver. Lexmark Forms Printer 4227 colon files packages for RISC System/6000 computers. This file contains instructions on how to install the Lexmark printer colon file packages for AIX 3.2. x systems. You must be logged in as root. 1) The tar file should be downloaded to the system you wish to install on. A "tmp" directory or in a "home" account is recommended. Please, remember to transfer in BINARY MODE. 2) Untar the file in this directory via: tar -xvf 4227AIX3.TAR 3) Run the install script: install_pkg.32 The script will install the colon files in the "/usr/lib/lpd/pio/predef" directory and the message catalog file, lexmark.cat, inthe "/usr/lib/lpd/pio/etc" directory. It will prompt for each printer and the catalog file, first to see if installing it is desired and then again if the file already exists to see if over-writing is desired.

Operating Systems: AIX 3.2

File Contents:
No file content information available at this time.

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