14 Mar 2025


Okidata OL610e-PS Printer Driver

Company: Okidata
Model: OL610e-PS
Operating System: Windows 95 (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: 610eps95.exe


Okidata OL610e-PS Driver. Postscript Driver for OS Listed
File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 6046 07-11-95 10:50 APPLE380.SPD 188848 07-11-95 10:50 FINSTALL.DLL 21491 07-11-95 10:50 FINSTALL.HLP 95719 07-11-95 10:50 FONTS.MFM 77712 07-11-95 10:50 ICONLIB.DLL 4015 05-24-95 22:15 LICENSE.TXT 1313 01-19-96 11:16 OEMSETUP.INF 24075 01-19-96 00:50 OK_610E1.PPD 1071 01-19-96 00:52 OKIDATA6.INF 107632 01-18-96 17:05 OL610EPS.DRV 107488 01-18-96 17:05 OL61EPS3.DRV 1285 01-24-96 11:15 PRINTER.TXT 393200 07-11-95 10:50 PSCRIPT.DRV 20439 07-11-95 10:50 PSCRIPT.HLP 328 07-11-95 10:50 PSCRIPT.INI 28672 07-11-95 10:50 PSMON.DLL 2640 07-11-95 10:50 TESTPS.TXT 197024 07-11-95 10:50 UNIDRV.DLL 15343 07-11-95 10:50 UNIDRV.HLP -------- ---- 1294341 19 files

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