9 Mar 2025


Compaq IJ300 Printer Driver

Company: Compaq
Model: IJ300
Operating System: Not Specified (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: W2KZ11E.exe


Compaq IJ300 Driver. This is a Lexmark Z 11 series Windows 2000 driver. Lexmark makes the Compaq printers as well, Compaq just puts their name and model number on them. I have been looking for this for a while, I hope those who have been looking, have not given up hope!
File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 9042 08-31-00 17:34 contact.hl_ 232820 06-17-97 15:07 dosfnt32.dl_ 37650 06-29-98 13:12 duplex1.pr_ 37770 06-29-98 13:16 duplex2.pr_ 43879 09-01-96 10:19 hlp256.dl_ 84255 09-01-96 10:18 hlp25632.dl_ 22968 07-29-97 14:13 ldeei.dl_ 80169 09-01-98 17:10 ldepcl32.dl_ 28184 09-01-00 18:04 ledf.dl_ 31144 10-09-97 12:08 lex_psu.ex_ 84845 05-20-98 10:03 lexdrvin.ex_ 5827 08-02-97 17:40 lexdwnld.dl_ 9285 04-10-00 08:32 lexgo1.ex_ 38821 08-31-00 17:29 lexlelm.dl_ 224 10-24-97 16:56 lexstat.in_ 12564 09-01-00 18:06 lexunst.ex_ 171 01-04-00 11:00 lexwww.ht_ 2989 07-28-98 10:47 license.tx_ 2784 06-22-00 06:02 lxca.in_ 5808 06-22-00 06:02 lxca.inf 24296 03-24-99 15:29 lxcaalgk.ou_ 56780 03-24-99 15:29 lxcaalgn.ou_ 51494 03-24-99 15:29 lxcacln.ou_ 51558 03-24-99 15:29 lxcaclnk.ou_ 859049 09-01-00 18:03 lxcadriv.dl_ 4148 10-06-98 11:46 lxcahh.hl_ 47533 05-25-00 11:07 lxcantcp.hl_ 1241 04-14-00 10:25 lxcantd$.in_ 15204 05-25-00 12:05 lxcantui.hl_ 29473 09-01-00 18:04 lxcapp.dl_ 1809 05-18-00 17:24 lxcarme.do_ 122389 09-01-00 18:05 lxcastrn.dl_ 361486 09-01-00 18:05 lxcasw32.ex_ 122882 11-02-98 09:50 lxcatstk.ou_ 291881 11-02-98 09:48 lxcatstp.ou_ 27007 09-01-00 18:05 lxcaui.dl_ 12019 09-01-00 18:06 lxlereg.ex_ 3824 09-01-00 18:06 lxlestat.dl_ 14935 08-31-00 17:26 printray.dl_ 16921 08-31-00 17:25 printray.ex_ 83641 10-06-98 22:12 ptzipw32.dl_ 261325 03-24-00 08:02 wavs.ex_ 4404 09-07-00 13:16 Z11 Instructions.htm 251 09-07-00 13:19 readme.txt 15360 05-19-97 11:22 SETUPWIN.EXE -------- ------- 3252109 45 files

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