31 Mar 2025


Hewlett Packard (HP) HP Deskjet 5650 Color Inkjet Printer Printer Driver

Company: Hewlett Packard (HP)
Model: HP Deskjet 5650 Color Inkjet Printer
Operating System: Windows ME (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: 5600_enu_win9x_meinfu.exe


Hewlett Packard (HP) HP Deskjet 5650 Color Inkjet Printer Driver. Description

HP DeskJet 5600 Basic Feature Printer Driver - for Parallel Cable Only (American English)

This driver is designed for use on Windows 98 or Windows ME computers that will be directly connected to the printer using a Parallel cable.

Caution! The printer's Parallel cable must be unplugged before proceeding!

Do not plug in the Parallel cable until instructed to do so by the installation software!

Note: The printer must be powered on before proceeding.

Installation Instructions:

Create a new folder on the hard drive before downloading the printer driver.

Suggestion: "c:\dj5600"

Download the driver to the newly created c:\dj5600 folder.

Connect the parallel cable from the PC to the printer.

Open the c:\dj5600 folder and double-click the downloaded "exe" file to extract the driver files.

Note: The driver file extraction process will create a series of folders under the c:\dj5600 folder that you downloaded the driver file into. Under the "C:\dj5600\5600" folder, a three letter language folder will be displayed which corresponds with the driver language that you downloaded. For example, the English driver (5600_enu_win9x_meinfu.exe) contains a folder named "enu". This folder was created during the extraction process after double-clicking on the downloaded "exe" file.

From Windows, click "Start", "Settings", "Printers".

Next, double-click "Add Printer".

When the Add Printer Wizard screen appears, click "Next".

Choose "Local Printer" and click "Next".

In the next window, click the "Have Disk" button.

Note: For the next step, the three letters in the filename (such as "enu" in the following example) will correspond to the language code of the downloaded driver as explained in step 4.

Click "Browse" and go to the folder "c:\dj5600\5600\enu\drivers\Win9x_me". A file, with a filename similar to "hpf5600x.inf", will be displayed. Select the file and click "Open" or "OK".

Click "OK" to continue. "hp deskjet 5600 series" will now be found in the Printers column. Click "Next".

Note: If another 5600 Series driver is already installed on this PC, you will be shown a window asking you to decide if you want to keep or replace the existing driver. Make your selection and click "Next"

Select Port "LPT1" and click "Next".

Click "Next" to accept the default printer name (suggested), or rename the printer and click "Finish". The printer driver files will now be installed and the hp deskjet 5600 series icon will be added to the "Printers" folder.

File Contents:
No file content information available at this time.

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