12 Mar 2025


IBM 3130 or AFP 3130 Printer Driver

Company: IBM
Model: 3130 or AFP 3130
Operating System: Windows 95b (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: IBM3130.zip


IBM 3130 or AFP 3130 Driver. This contains some extraneous files as well, but I didn't have the time to weed out which ones are unnecessary. Just click "have disk" on the add a printer and point it to the INF file.
File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 10352 05-11-98 20:01 WMIDRV.SYS 172 09-04-01 13:12 00002.SHD 46448 06-26-98 16:44 ATIBT829.SYS 19008 06-26-98 16:44 ATITUNEP.SYS 16960 06-26-98 16:44 ATITVSND.SYS 19088 06-26-98 16:44 ATIXBAR.SYS 19616 05-11-98 20:01 HIDCLASS.SYS 40352 05-11-98 20:01 HIDPARSE.SYS 5088 05-11-98 20:01 HIDVKD.SYS 174080 11-24-99 08:23 ibmafp.drv 8628 09-04-01 15:56 IBMAFP.GID 41595 11-18-98 15:44 IBMAFP.HLP 17492 05-26-98 15:15 ibmafp.ini 72704 08-13-98 11:02 IBMAFPR.DLL 6912 05-11-98 20:01 IBMEIMP.INF 9120 05-11-98 20:01 SWENUM.SYS 25712 05-11-98 20:01 UHCD.SYS 17792 05-11-98 20:01 UPDATE.SYS 16960 05-11-98 20:01 USBD.SYS 26768 05-11-98 20:01 USBHUB.SYS 4064 05-11-98 20:01 WDMFS.SYS 168 09-04-01 13:10 00001.SHD -------- ------- 599079 22 files

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