13 Mar 2025


Hewlett Packard (HP) HP LaserJet 1015 Printer Printer Driver

Company: Hewlett Packard (HP)
Model: HP LaserJet 1015 Printer
Operating System: Windows 2000 (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: lj1015pcl5ewin2kxp2003-sc.exe


Hewlett Packard (HP) HP LaserJet 1015 Printer Driver. Language: Chinese(Simplified)

hp LaserJet 1015 PCL5e driver

Turn on the printer first, then turn on the computer.

Close any screen savers, virus protection programs, or other software programs running on your computer.

Click on Download Now and a File Download box will appear.

Select Save This Program to Disk and a Save As box will appear.

Select a directory to save the file in and click Save.

Locate the file using Windows Explorer when the download has completed.

Double click on the file. This will extract all the driver files into a directory on your hard drive. The directory these files are extracted to will have a similar name to the printer model that was downloaded (i.e., c:\lj5500). However, you can change the path and directory name at the time of extracting the file.

Open the Printers Window (Click Start-Settings-Printers).

Update the printer if it was previously installed

Right click on the printer and select Properties from the pop menu.

On the General tab, select New Driver.

Click on the Warning Box that pops up.

A printer listing box will appear. Select Have Disk.

Another box Install from Disk appears.

Click the Browse to locate the expanded files directory (i.e., c:\lj5500).

Click on the file ending with .inf .

Click Open and then Okay and let files install.

Add the printer if it hasn't been installed yet.

Click Add New Printer

Follow the instructions of the Add Printer Wizard.

File Contents:
No file content information available at this time.

Click here to go back to Hewlett Packard (HP) list.


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