14 Mar 2025


Panasonic (Matsushita Matshita) PanaFAX Printer Driver

Company: Panasonic (Matsushita Matshita)
Model: PanaFAX
Operating System: Windows NT 4.0 (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: pcn80918.exe


Panasonic (Matsushita Matshita) PanaFAX Driver. Allow to print to faxmachine/printer.

PanaFAX UF-A70,UF-A715,UF-788,UF-550,UF-770,UF-880,UF-560,UF-A8700,UF-A8710,UF-8770,DF-1100

TeleFAX 354

Driver for Windows 3.1 (Win31), Windows 95 (Win95) and Windows NT 4.0 (WinNT4). English only. Will probable work for Windows 98 (Win98). It does work on Windows 2000 Pro (Win2000,Win2k)!

File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 12870 06-18-98 14:42 LACN_2.PDF 1924 09-10-98 18:31 README.TXT 921 03-30-98 18:23 WIN31/OEMSETUP.INF 52368 05-12-98 15:37 WIN31/PFXDPM31.DRV 2493 03-26-98 17:33 WIN31/PFXDPM31.INI 10240 08-03-94 12:55 WIN31/RECT2.DLL 128432 12-31-93 10:11 WIN31/UNIDRV.DLL 45107 12-31-93 10:11 WIN31/UNIDRV.HLP 7801 09-10-98 18:21 WIN31/README31.TXT 68096 12-20-95 05:03 WIN95/CODEC.DLL 2569 03-30-98 18:25 WIN95/PANAFAX.INF 43952 05-12-98 14:33 WIN95/PFXDPM95.DRV 2408 03-25-98 20:25 WIN95/PFXDPM95.INI 10240 08-03-94 03:55 WIN95/RECT2.DLL 8794 09-10-98 18:20 WIN95/README95.TXT 84480 06-23-98 20:58 WinNT4/CODEC32.DLL 3556 03-30-98 18:29 WinNT4/OEMSETUP.INF 4643 05-11-98 18:30 WinNT4/PANA1100.PFD 4669 05-11-98 18:30 WinNT4/PANA550.PFD 4669 05-11-98 18:30 WinNT4/PANA560.PFD 4668 05-11-98 18:30 WinNT4/PANA770.PFD 4666 05-11-98 18:28 WinNT4/PANA880.PFD 74752 09-07-98 19:25 WinNT4/PFXDNTUI.DLL 77344 09-07-98 19:25 WinNT4/PFXDPMNT.DLL 150528 09-07-98 19:35 WinNT4/PFXDPDLG.DLL 10279 09-10-98 19:00 WinNT4/ReadMeNT.txt -------- ------- 822469 26 files

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