Model: 860, 860 plus
Operating System: Mac OS (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)
File: qmsupdtr.sea.hqx
QMS 860, 860 plus Driver. This is the update disk for our older printers and Apple Macintosh / Power Macintosh. Contains our Paper Handler (version 3.87), Print Monitor, Backgrounder, PDXs and PDFs for most of our printers (for Quark 3.1,3.2/3.3), as well as an Installation Instructions readme file. PPDs support the following printers: Jet/+, PS 410, 420, PS 800/+, PS 810/820/Turbo, PS 815/825/MR, PS 1500/ 1700/ 2000/ 2XX0/ 3200, 860/+, 1060, QMS 1660/e, 1725, 2025, 2060, 2060 PM, 2425, 3225, 3825, 4060, 4525, CS 210/230/1000, CS 100 models 10/10p/20/30/30i/30si, magicolor/ + /LX / CX (including 1200x600 dpi). This file will not be upgraded past version 2.4c. For our printers produced after the 2060 model, see our Macintosh Utilities file.
File Contents:
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