14 Mar 2025


Seiko 100 - 240 & PRO Printer Driver

Company: Seiko
Model: 100 - 240 & PRO
Operating System: Windows 98SE (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: SLPPRO.zip


Seiko 100 - 240 & PRO Driver. This is a copy of an old installation disk for the Smart Label Printer PRO Version 2.09, initially intended for win95 but works well in 98 and 98 SE too. DL and unzip onto floppy disk and then install from there or use the install wizard in 95/98 and just add the driver files. If you want to print from an MS Access application this was the ONLY driver we found that works still with Access, all later versions don't support printing from Access anymore ( according to Seiko tech support ! )It works with all Seiko SLP printers 100 and up
File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 7611 03-20-95 02:09 CODE39._F1 41850 03-20-95 02:09 COBB._F1 50686 03-20-95 02:09 COMMDLG._LL 12201 03-20-95 02:09 CTL3DV2._LL 66851 03-20-95 02:09 DINGBAT2._F1 29559 03-20-95 02:09 DIXON._F1 7750 03-20-95 02:09 EAN13._F1 43464 03-20-95 02:09 EUREKA._F1 30 03-20-95 02:09 FONTS.LST 43854 03-20-95 02:09 FTMWIN._LL 17149 03-20-95 02:09 IMAGEMAN._LL 4673 03-20-95 02:09 IMGBMP._IL 6662 03-20-95 02:09 IMGGIF._IL 10612 03-20-95 02:09 IMGPCX._IL 6349 03-20-95 02:09 IMGTGA._IL 18687 03-20-95 02:09 IMGTIFF._IL 48334 03-20-95 02:09 INTERNAT._F1 2942 03-20-95 02:09 LABELS._LD 454 03-20-95 02:09 LABELS.INF 132 03-20-95 02:09 LABELS.SLI 40961 03-20-95 02:09 MARIN._F1 1858 03-20-95 02:09 POSTAL._F1 1416 03-20-95 02:09 PRODATA.SLP 11698 03-20-95 02:09 PROSPOOL._LL 106889 03-20-95 02:09 PROW._XE 1602 03-20-95 02:09 PROWDATA._LP 33616 03-20-95 02:09 PROWENU._LP 49050 03-20-95 02:09 QUINCY._F1 10618 03-20-95 02:09 README._RI 16864 03-20-95 02:09 README.TXT 896 03-20-95 02:09 SAMPLE.LST 91617 03-20-95 02:09 SETUP.EXE 2258 03-20-95 02:09 SETUP.INF 23638 03-20-95 02:09 SLPBC._LL 31163 03-20-95 02:09 SLPP1ENU._LL 1728 03-20-95 02:09 SLPPRO._IN 20620 03-20-95 02:09 SLPPRO._RV 119044 03-20-95 02:09 SLPPRO._XE 718 03-20-95 02:09 SLPPRO._YS 22016 03-20-95 02:09 SLPS1ENU.DLL 845 03-20-95 02:09 SLPTERM.386 11096 03-20-95 02:09 SLPUTIL._LL 49357 03-20-95 02:09 SPRINGER._F1 3800 03-20-95 02:09 UNLOAD._XE 6686 03-20-95 02:09 UPC._F1 24607 03-20-95 02:09 UPDATE._XE 30634 03-20-95 02:09 USS2O5._F1 51932 03-20-95 02:09 VERTICAL._F1 102416 03-20-95 02:09 WINSETUP.EXE 3218 03-20-95 02:09 WINSETUP.INF -------- ------- 1292711 50 files

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