31 Mar 2025


Hewlett Packard (HP) HP PSC 750 All-in-One, HP PSC 750xi All-in-One Printer Driver

Company: Hewlett Packard (HP)
Model: HP PSC 750 All-in-One, HP PSC 750xi All-in-One
Operating System: Windows 98 (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: oj160du.exe


Hewlett Packard (HP) HP PSC 750 All-in-One, HP PSC 750xi All-in-One Driver. Language:Dutch

HP PSC 750 All-in-One series

Due to the size of the download and the time it would take, HP recommends ordering the CD-ROM version rather than downloading the Web version of the driver without broadband (Cable, DSL, T1, or equivalent) Internet access.

This driver is designed for use on computers that will be directly connected to the HP PSC 700 series from the computer's USB port.

The HP PSC 700 series must be turned off and the USB cable must be unplugged from the computer before proceeding!

Download the driver software.

Temporarily disable antivirus software.

Exit any running applications, games, utilities, multimedia applications.

Follow the screen directions presented during software installation.

For a successful install you will see a "Software Copied" screen with a prompt to "follow the instructions on your Setup Poster to set up your HP PSC hardware."

Click "Next" on the "Software Copied" screen.

Turn on your HP PSC 700 series and connect a USB cable from the HP Officejet to your computer.

Upon completing the software installation enable the antivirus software.

File Contents:
No file content information available at this time.

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