31 Mar 2025


Canon BJC-150 Printer Driver

Company: Canon
Model: BJC-150
Operating System: Windows 95 (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: bjc150uk.ZIP


Canon BJC-150 Driver. This is one out of four disks,

Its an Windows 3.x and Windows 95

driver in English.

The three other disk is, one

in German, and one in French,

and one "ECP compatibility software".

File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 123419 09-27-96 17:09 CANONBJE.HL_ 26619 09-27-96 17:09 BJ3BITE.DL_ 6230 09-27-96 17:09 BJHTMGE.DL_ 5913 09-27-96 17:09 BJSMOTHE.DL_ 27440 09-27-96 17:09 CANBJ31E.DRV 15189 09-27-96 17:09 CANBJMNE.DL_ 2776 09-27-96 17:09 CANONBJ.INF 10726 09-27-96 17:09 CANONBJE.DR_ 115 09-27-96 17:09 _CANONBJ.INI 19626 09-27-96 17:09 CANONDEE.DL_ 498915 09-27-96 17:09 CANONPF.ZIP 14879 09-27-96 17:09 CBJ3DE.DL_ 154236 09-27-96 17:09 CBJUIE.DL_ 158139 09-27-96 17:09 COREBJE.DL_ 35680 09-27-96 17:09 DUNZIP.DLL 5941 09-27-96 17:09 ICMAP16E.DL_ 14942 09-27-96 17:09 INKFILES.ZIP 9755 09-27-96 17:09 INKTHNKE.DL_ 4282 09-27-96 17:09 INKTYPEE.DL_ 384 09-27-96 17:09 OEMSETUP.INF 18386 10-07-96 09:28 README.TXT 121126 09-27-96 17:09 UCS16E.DL_ 66482 02-14-00 08:36 label_uk.bmp -------- ------- 1341200 23 files

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