12 Mar 2025


Olivetti Lexikon JP 883 Printer Driver

Company: Olivetti Lexikon
Model: JP 883
Operating System: Windows NT (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: nt4-3105e.rar


Olivetti Lexikon JP 883 Driver. UnRAR the driver file.

Start - Printers - 'Add Printer'.

On the pop-up window where you have to choose printer driver, click on 'Have Disc', and choose the loaction of the drivers (olivetti.ini).

Contains the newest drivers for WinNT 4.0 for the following printers

JP 50

JP 70

JP 90 (Color)

JP 90 (Monochrome)

JP 150

JP 150 WS

JP 170 (Color)

JP 170 (Monochrome)

JP 170 S (Color)

JP 170 S (Monochrome)

JP 190 (Color)

JP 190 (Monochrome)

JP 192 (Color)

JP 192 (Monochrome)

JP 270

JP 350

JP 350S

JP 370 (Color)

JP 370 (Monochrome)

JP 470 (Color)

JP 470 (Monochrome)

JP 790 (Color)

JP 792 (Color)

JP 792 (Photo)

JP 795 (Color)

JP 795 (Photo)

JP 883 (Color)

Artjet 20


File Contents:
No file content information available at this time.

Click here to go back to Olivetti Lexikon list.


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