12 Mar 2025


Sharp Electronics AJ-6000 Printer Driver

Company: Sharp Electronics
Model: AJ-6000
Operating System: Windows 2000 (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: win2000.zip


Sharp Electronics AJ-6000 Driver. Window 2000 driver for the Sharp AJ-6000 series printer including the 6010 and 6110.
File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 5 12-21-00 20:51 scaj6k.cat 1611 12-21-00 20:51 scaj6k.inf 50 12-21-00 20:51 scaj6k.ini 164 12-21-00 20:51 scalign.bi_ 89035 12-21-00 20:51 sccheck.bi_ 125066 12-21-00 20:51 scusc.dl_ 146708 12-21-00 20:51 scuscb.ic_ 11101 12-21-00 20:51 scusd.dl_ 160664 12-21-00 20:51 scusdvpr.dl_ 146839 12-21-00 20:51 scusgb.ic_ 19111 12-21-00 20:51 scushlp2.hl_ 568704 12-21-00 20:51 scusk.dl_ 117137 12-21-00 20:51 scusl.dl_ 5520 12-21-00 20:51 scuslang.dl_ 25412 01-26-01 09:48 scuslmon.dl_ 48175 12-21-00 20:51 scusp.dl_ 143852 12-21-00 20:51 scuspb.ic_ 54038 12-21-00 20:51 scusr.dl_ 82385 12-21-00 20:51 scuss.dl_ 1814 12-21-00 20:51 scusscf.sc_ 29 12-21-00 20:51 scussdf.sd_ 20948 12-21-00 20:51 scusstmn.dl_ 135161 12-21-00 20:51 scusstmn.ex_ 7535 12-21-00 20:51 scusstmn.hl_ 571 12-21-00 20:51 scusstmn.in_ 54058 12-21-00 20:51 scusu.dl_ 30925 12-21-00 20:51 vsp1284d.sy_ -------- ------- 1996618 27 files

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