13 Mar 2025


Mita DP-560 Printer Driver

Company: Mita
Model: DP-560
Operating System: Windows 2000 (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: MP560_W2K.zip


Mita DP-560 Driver. These are the WinNT 4.0 drivers.

They will work in Win2K, but the graphic of the systray application might be screwy...

...And you will have to get involved half way through the installation and get your hands

dirty -)

The main problems comes from the fact that sometimes Win2K will not find drivers

in it's SYSTEM32\DRIVERS directory, which is our case here!!!

Also, I believe the systray app. having wrong graphics and labels comes from the fact that the

RASDD* files are old ones. If you find out something about this, or better ones, let me know!

Make sure you read the README.TXT file for more information.

Let me know if it helps.

File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 170 05-29-97 17:02 ADDPRINT.LNK 9 04-25-02 21:35 cd 16 05-29-97 17:02 DISK1 0 04-25-02 21:18 i386/ 32768 06-09-98 08:48 i386/m353ntm.dll 11776 06-09-98 11:15 i386/M353NTPD.dll 14 04-25-02 21:35 install 1655 05-08-02 22:30 INSTALL.BAT 20178 06-10-98 12:14 install.inf 114420 06-11-98 05:27 M353Par.sys 121040 04-25-02 22:01 m353pdn.drv 348160 02-03-98 10:07 m353st.exe 11951 01-24-98 08:50 M353ST.HLP 3935 06-10-98 11:41 MDP560Nt.inf 52898 12-07-99 07:00 RASDD.DLl 43903 12-07-99 07:00 RASDDUI.DLL 8123 12-07-99 07:00 RASDDUI.HLP 4643 05-08-02 22:39 Readme.txt 20178 06-10-98 12:14 Setup.inf -------- ------- 795837 19 files

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