31 Mar 2025


Canon BJC-610 Printer Driver

Company: Canon
Model: BJC-610
Operating System: Windows 95 (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: 720u95.exe


Canon BJC-610 Driver. Driver for the Canon BJC-610. May also work on win98 (not tested it). This is the latest version without that terrible Windows Printing System, that does not allow you to share your LPT with other devices or us netwerok printer
File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 747 05-19-97 20:13 BTUITBL.CN_ 18514 04-23-97 08:06 BT6X0LPT.VXD 28765 04-23-97 01:04 BT6X0PM.DL_ 8604 06-10-97 11:27 BTCMCM.DL_ 11655 04-10-97 19:24 BTHTMGR.DL_ 17466 04-22-97 23:50 BTMON.DL_ 18960 05-26-97 19:28 BTRSTR.DRV 2621 05-07-97 18:00 BTRSTR.INF 116030 04-10-97 19:25 BTRSTRC.DL_ 9777 04-17-97 20:38 BTRSTRD.DL_ 37412 04-15-97 19:37 BTRSTRF.DL_ 27515 04-15-97 19:36 BTRSTRP.DL_ 38173 04-15-97 19:36 BTRSTRQ.DL_ 7926 04-10-97 19:24 BTSMOOTH.DL_ 107 04-23-97 01:03 BT6X0LPT.INI 116032 07-11-97 14:06 BTUITBL.DL_ 43042 07-17-97 10:13 BTUITBL.HL_ 16790 07-14-97 18:16 README.TXT -------- ------- 520136 18 files

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