13 Mar 2025


DataProducts dataproducts 3044 and 3034 Printer Driver

Company: DataProducts
Model: dataproducts 3044 and 3034
Operating System: Windows 98 (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: 3034.exe


DataProducts dataproducts 3044 and 3034 Driver. windows 95 y 98.

this driver is for printers dataproduct 3044 and 3034, but your port lpt its in mode epp, in some cases mode ecpp not work,

i'm sorry my bad inglish.

este driver funciona para las impresoras dataproducts 3044 y 3034, para windows 95 y 98.

Ten algunos casos el driver no funciona si el puerto lpt esta en modo ecpp, por ello debes cambiarlo a modo epp.

File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 23200 09-29-97 10:32 DPC3000.DRV 609 09-29-97 11:03 DPC3000.INF 77712 07-11-95 09:50 ICONLIB.DLL 197024 07-11-95 09:50 UNIDRV.DLL 15343 07-11-95 09:50 UNIDRV.HLP -------- ------- 313888 5 files

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