14 Mar 2025


NewGen Systems Many Printer Driver

Company: NewGen Systems
Model: Many
Operating System: Windows 2000 (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: WindowsNT-2000-DesignXpress.EXE


NewGen Systems Many Driver. These drivers are for Both Windows NT and 2000. They are also for the following NewGen Printers




DuoSetter 12

DuoSetter 6

DesignXpress 12

DesignXpress 6

ImagerPlus 12xf

ImagerPlus 18xf

ImagerPro II 72E

ImagerPro II 94E


The drivers have been tested under Windows 2000, using the DesignXpress 6. I would imaging the rest work as well, as I am assuming it is a unified driver. It is quite complete in it's configuration abilities, though it has trouble seeing anytghin other than 16, 40 or 192 megs of ram on the printer (I have 40)

File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 82970 08-09-96 01:30 PSCRIPT.DL_ 24336 08-09-96 01:30 NTPRINT.DLL 82337 08-09-96 01:30 PRINTUI.DL_ 59507 08-09-96 01:30 PSCRPTUI.DL_ 10315 08-09-96 01:30 PRINT.EX_ 6391 08-09-96 01:30 PSCRIPT.HL_ 235724 10-07-96 16:07 NTPRINT.PNF 14497 12-29-97 09:56 CXCTP.PPD 14146 12-04-97 16:00 CXPRO.PPD 14308 03-10-98 16:37 CXPROMT.PPD 24611 12-02-97 16:34 DS12.PPD 24616 12-02-97 16:34 DS6.PPD 24619 12-02-97 16:33 DX12.PPD 24632 12-02-97 16:30 DX6.PPD 26673 12-02-97 14:29 IP12XF.PPD 26860 11-25-97 13:26 IP18XF.PPD 32244 03-13-98 15:26 IPII72E.PPD 32247 03-13-98 15:33 IPII94E.PPD 23597 01-22-97 11:39 NGDESPX1.PPD 2798 10-26-89 13:27 EHANDLER.PS 135 08-09-96 01:30 PSCRIPT.SE_ 2507 03-12-98 09:54 NTPRINT.INF 3188 03-12-98 13:28 README.TXT 11582 08-09-96 01:30 PRINTER.WR_ 27319 02-01-93 02:04 ZIP2EXE.EXE -------- ------- 832159 25 files

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