Model: ENCAD 1500 TX
Operating System: (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)
File: txdrvnt.exe
Encad ENCAD 1500 TX Driver.
File Contents: Length Date Time Name
-------- ---- ---- ----
1831471 03-03-98 17:00 TXPOP.ICM
2162 03-04-98 08:38 1500TX.INF
4070 02-05-98 15:27 1500TX.MDF
21088 03-04-98 14:42 1500TXGR.DLL
77312 02-04-98 14:07 1500TXRC.DLL
17408 03-04-98 14:43 1500TXUD.DLL
54784 03-04-98 14:43 1500TXUI.DLL
159758 01-20-98 12:11 CALRGB.ICM
61952 01-31-98 19:52 COLOR32.DLL
16896 11-14-97 19:15 SCREEN32.DLL
19506 01-21-98 15:25 1500TX.HLP
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2266407 11 files