13 Mar 2025


Microsoft IBM Thinkpad Infrared Port Printer Driver

Company: Microsoft
Model: IBM Thinkpad Infrared Port
Operating System:   (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: ld_irw95.zip


Microsoft IBM Thinkpad Infrared Port Driver.  
File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 50998 10-31-96 18:23 NWLINK.VXD 11845 12-16-96 18:03 FASTIR.VXD 1823 12-16-96 13:46 INFRARED.CNT 7168 12-16-96 18:06 INFRARED.CPL 63488 12-24-96 15:40 INFRARED.DLL 36423 10-31-96 18:23 INFRARED.HLP 8226 10-09-98 06:30 infrared.inf 15906 12-16-96 13:46 IR_BEGIN.WAV 42728 12-16-96 13:46 IR_END.WAV 75508 12-16-96 13:46 IR_INTER.WAV 8480 12-16-96 18:02 IR_NDI.DLL 74722 12-16-96 13:46 IR_NEW.WAV 32370 12-16-96 18:07 IRCOMM.VXD 3479 12-16-96 13:46 IRDALAN.INF 21312 12-23-96 15:49 IRDALAN.SYS 35476 12-16-96 18:07 IRENUM.VXD 75810 12-16-96 18:08 IRLAMP.VXD 5260 10-23-96 17:07 IRLAPFRM.VXD 7155 12-16-96 13:46 IRMINI.INF 28576 12-16-96 18:00 IRMINI.SYS 122368 12-16-96 18:14 IRMON.EXE 3717 12-16-96 18:08 IRMONHLP.EXE 30720 12-16-96 18:00 IRSHELL.DLL 715 12-16-96 13:46 IRXFER.CNT 87040 12-16-96 18:01 IRXFER.EXE 16538 12-16-96 13:46 IRXFER.HLP 6678 12-23-96 19:35 IRXFER.INF 9678 12-16-96 13:46 MSPORTS.INF 115789 12-16-96 18:05 NDIS.VXD 45752 10-27-96 17:38 NETBEUI.VXD 2441 09-17-96 17:43 FASTIR.INF 3192 04-01-99 12:33 Readme.txt 17408 12-16-96 18:06 SETUP.EXE 26041 12-16-96 18:22 TINYTP.VXD 1611 09-16-96 14:07 W_IR.CNT 4495 04-01-99 11:54 wbfirpio.inf 42496 11-27-98 14:53 wbfirpio.sys 14487 12-16-96 18:26 WSIRDA.VXD -------- ---- 1157919 38 files

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